Because respect and education
protect against racism


Because Covid hits the poorest people the hardest.


Because we only have one planet.

The Mission:
Behind all our superficial qualities, we are all just human beings. With feelings, dreams and desires. Regardless of our skin colour, origins, faith or sexuality. We all want to be individual, and yet in a way we are all the same. Show that you love and support this diversity. With your attitude, pride and respect: That’s the vision behind the red ICare4people bracelet.
How you can help:
Mangelnde Bildung ist meist die Wurzel von Angst vor dem Fremden. Bei ICare4 wollen wir dieses Problem im Keim ersticken. Von jedem verkauften Armband fließen zwei Euro in Anti-Rassismus-Workshops und -Lernmaterialien für Schulen.
Show your support now!

Because Covid hits the poorest people the hardest.

The Mission:
For many people, the years 2020/2021 where extremely tough and destroyed any glimmer of hope. This virus has caused many people to feel loneliness, despair and fear for their very livelihoods. Yet it has also shown us what we need most: each other. We don’t know what 2022 will bring, but together we can bring back hope. Together we can get through the hard times. Together we can support those who need it most. That is precisely what the ICare4you bracelet stands for.
How you can help:
Each wristband sold pays for a warm meal or provides food and hygiene items for children and their families.

Supported organizations:
Red Cross
Show your support now!
The Mission:
These days, everybody boasts about sustainability. It’s become a trend. Yet instead of consuming fewer resources, we need to be sure we don’t lose sight of the real problem: CO2. As long as we fail to find any alternatives or to drastically reduce emissions of such gases, there is only one way to cut carbon – trees. They can help to halt the progression of global warming. Research shows that a mature tree can absorb more than 21 kg of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year and release oxygen in exchange. And that's not all. Our woodlands also provide a habitat for many different animal species and a livelihood for all of us – including an estimated 60 million directly affected people. It’s this wonder of nature that’s represented by the green ICare4nature bracelet.
How you can help:
Each green bracelet stands for one tree planted. We support regional initiatives for targeted reforestation in your country.
Show your support now!

ICare4 bracelets

Yes, it's possible – if we all join in. Wear the ICare4 bracelets with pride
and become part of our global community. .